Recognizing the importance of de present century. we integrate tools and resources in to dechudogy in th Cutting ing edge. our educational progra from interactive. white boards in classrooms to computer labs and ppt shoveing tor lessons we prepare students to Nuregate a digital world.
we believe that strong partnerships betw School, parents and the Community are esse -al for Student success we Acdamic encourage meeting and involvement from paren to support the academic & personal growth of our students.
National English Public School is located in South Bengaluru, Muneshwara Block, Avalahalli, Mysore Road, which was established in the year 1997.
National English Public School
No.1, Jnanakashi,
Muneshwara block, Avalahalli.
Bangalore – 560026
8951510591, 8217450680,
080 – 26743989
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