Founder's Desk
A child is a unique gift of God to humanity with a bundle of talents hidden inside. A teacher as a mentor, nurturer, healer and an inspirer polishes the various talent and virtues of the child to make him or her, a responsible citizen of the society. Children are the future of the nation. So they should be thought the right values in life to develop the feeling of brotherhood and nationalism.
I always ask myself, “What should be the first priority in a student’s life”. The answer is nothing but Time”, there are many factors which are responsible for one’s success, but Time” stands above all. A student’s success depends on how meticulously he or she plans the little time at his or her disposal to complete the plan of studies. Hundred percent devotion within a stipulated time-limit results in success.
Success however, should always be combined with strong moral and ethical values. The focus should lie in preparing students to think reflectively and develop their own enhanced capacity for ethical reasoning with a correct code of conduct. This will develop good moral judgment in students and it will help to promote social values both within the classroom and beyond.
Money can never buy what I have wished for my students. So, let education be an all-round development with social, ethical and moral values inculcated in teaching. Let the students be a part of whatever noble we do and our good teachings would still be around, long after we have gone, making our country a ‘dream-country’ for all. All the best for the future…